
Daily Dog Training Games Part VIII

Daily Training Games

Daily Dog Training Games Part VIII

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Welcome to day 8 of our Daily Training Game videos! Today we want to teach our dog to tidy up his toys!

This is not a “one session trick”. My dog Kix who you will see in the video had already learned this trick prior to filming the video. Your dog will probably need more than just one day – possibly a week or longer – to become proficient at this game.

I am going to talk about the concept of “controlled failure” in this trick :

Sometimes, when explaining small details to our dogs, we can plan for a bit of mistakes in order to help us really get into the specifics of what they should do.

Before we start, just make sure you are signed up for notifications for these daily training game videos, so you don’t miss any future ones:

And now to the game!

Tidy Up Toys

Have fun with this game, and I will see you back here tomorrow 🙂

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